Folks, as some of you already know, my long (and elongated) working career is coming to an official end on 2/1/2022.
RE-marks Archive
Top 3 Causes of Job Site Injuries (Plus 1!)
Posted 10/1/2021
By R.B. Wright, CPCU
Electrical utility line work is dangerous. It is one of a limited number of jobs where workers simply cannot afford to have a “bad day.”
Emerging from the bunker
Posted 7/2/2021
By R. Bruce Wright, CPCU
As we approach the midsummer holiday, it seems like a good time to reflect on what the future may hold for us as we begin to leave the isolation of the pandemic defensive measures and start to return to the “new normal” of the work environment.
Solo Worker Safety
Posted 7/2/2021
By R. Bruce Wright, CPCU
Utilities can take steps to enhance safety for their employees who work alone.
Safe Driving Again, Again!
Posted 4/1/2021
By R. Bruce Wright, CPCU
Quite often our safety articles are inspired by questions, comments, or anecdotes that arise in our consultations with you, our clients. Other times though, the subjects are raised by our program managers and insurance partners in response to claims trends seen in the group as a whole. This is one of the latter type of articles, inspired by claims trends.
Yet Another Blast from the Past -- Evidence Preservation Redux
Posted 4/1/2021
By R. Bruce Wright, CPCU
It seems that this issue of RE-marks has become a greatest hits collection, as a direct reaction to some recent events. In the case that sparked this article, a recent "notice of claim" was submitted to the program following a first report contact from the plaintiff’s attorney.
Safety Meetings
Posted 9/30/2020
By R. Bruce Wright, CPCU
This is a good time to re-examine the way monthly safety meetings are run.
Cyberattacks Are On The Rise, Mirroring The Rise In Work From Home Assignments
Posted 9/30/2020
By R. Bruce Wright, CPCU
The FBI and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) have issued a formal advisory in response to the recent surge in cyberattacks, after finding a 400% increase in cyberattack reports during the first six months of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Strange Days, Pandemic Fever, and Coping with Covid 19
Posted 7/1/2020
By R. Bruce Wright, CPCU
I recently received an email in which the writer started out saying, “Strange days.” Strange days indeed are upon us.
Find it & Fix it Before it Fails!
Posted 4/1/2020
By R. Bruce Wright, CPCU
New technology offers the possibility of finding defects before they cause failures!
Medically Fragile Consumers
Posted 3/18/2020
By R. Bruce Wright, CPCU
In my consultation meetings with utility safety leaders around the country, the subject of medically fragile or medically dependent consumers comes up in many of the discussions.
Communication Towers: Inspection & Maintenance
Posted 1/1/2020
By R. Bruce Wright, CPCU
"The logical goal of inspections is to spot potential issues and schedule appropriate fixes before they cause serious problems."
Culture is the Key to Safety!
Posted 1/1/2020
R. Bruce Wright, CPCU
During visits and calls with members of this Power Program, I frequently find that our conversations about how to get good ideas off the conference room table and into the workers’ minds end up in discussions of company culture.
Distracted Driving Can Expose Your Workers, Too
Posted 10/1/2019
By R. Bruce Wright, CPCU
Here’s something that all drivers need to be aware of. That vehicle you are driving is not your father’s jalopy.
Subcontractors and Liability Protection
Posted 10/1/2019
By R. Bruce Wright, CPCU
One commonly used method to transfer risk and avoid liability claims is the hiring of outside providers, or subcontractors, to handle specialty work or technically challenging tasks.
Safe Driving, Again!
Posted 6/30/2019
By R. Bruce Wright, CPCU
Of all our regular safety topics, safe driving may be the one that is most often taken for granted. But, when you stop to think about it, vehicles are among the most dangerous tools utilities provide to their workers.
The Cyber-Threat Lane
Posted 6/30/2019
By R. Bruce Wright, CPCU
When I was young, many years ago, the euphemism that was used to (somewhat) more politely say, “Mind your own business,” was “Stick to your knitting.” I don’t hear that much anymore, but instead we now often hear a different expression for this euphemism, which is, “Stay in your lane.”
Spring is in the Air; Paving Work is Close Behind
Posted 4/1/2019
By R. Bruce Wright, CPCU
In much of the country, spring is in the air, and that means that paving season is upon us.
Fleet Guidelines and Safe Driving Revisited
Posted 4/1/2019
By R. Bruce Wright, CPCU
Fleet guidelines and safe driving have been discussed in past issues of this newsletter many times.
Utility Program News
Posted 12/31/2018
By R. Bruce Wright, CPCU
As I have discussed with several of you over the few past months, some tweaks have been planned for our safety consulting services and will take effect with the New Year of 2019.
Wildfires Affect Every Utility
Posted 12/31/2018
By Jess A. Hurtado, Program Manager and R. Bruce Wright, CPCU
Wildfires are not just the "other guys" problem, they affect us all.
Property Values and Limits
Posted 12/31/2018
By R. Bruce Wright, CPCU
Here’s a quick reminder to check the values on your property schedules, and few other odds and ends too.
Understanding Voltage Fluctuation Claims -- Sometimes Things are not Black or White
Posted 7/1/2018
By R. Bruce Wright, CPCU
Voltage claims, also referred to as fluctuation claims, appliance claims, or electrical damage claims, are perhaps the most common type of claims utilities experience. They are frequent, and although often modest in cost, they can take up a great amount of time and effort to handle.
It's About Good Business, Not Insurance Or Legal Defense!
Posted 7/1/2018
By Dean B. Wisecarver (Edited by R. Bruce Wright)
Editor’s Note: This article is adapted from an original post by our founder,
Dean B. Wisecarver, back in the October 2000 edition of RE-marks.
I thought it was worth lightly editing and revisiting.
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