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Many executives we have worked with have expressed a desire to upgrade the employee and customer relations’ abilities of their supervisors. In this session we will discuss a range of helpful approaches such as how to select informal leaders from among your workers to develop as supervisors; how to prepare new supervisors for the transition from peer to leader in a way which helps them avoid the typical pitfalls; how to avoid losing a good worker and gaining a poor supervisor. We will discuss some sources of supervisory development training. We will also share some of the small, subtle techniques for improving supervisors' self-images that we have learned from various companies while making our consultations. We will give you a quick overview of a special course you may use to help newly promoted supervisors make the transition from peer group member to team leader. Please bring your own ideas and suggestions, too. This is a very important topic.

To learn more about some aspects of this session, use the archive button above to navigate to the July, 2001 issue of RE-marks to read a previously published article on developing new supervisors. 


Discussion and presentation. Includes handouts.

Videotape on "Supervision From A To C."

Executives and key managers/department managers.

Size Group: 
From 2 to 14. (This is a good session to allow executives from nearby cooperatives insured in our program to attend along with your own key people.)

Estimated Time: 
2 1/2 hours.

Conference room. Videotape player (VHS) and monitor.