Description: |
This session examines the purpose of a post incident review (commonly known as accident investigation) as it relates to the responsibility of management. In this session we will offer effective yet simple techniques for fact gathering, analysis and reporting. We will explore often-neglected benefits that you and your organization can gain from the process, such as improving employee participation in loss prevention activities, improving communication throughout the organization (especially upward), and enhancing your supervisors' skills in personnel management and problem solving. The review process also provides executive management with a new means to assess supervisory performance and to upgrade overall operations. The core of this session centers on teaching a simple, unique analysis technique (including a hands-on workshop case) that helps you and all of your staff quickly determine the multiple causes of things that go wrong so that you can zero in on truly pertinent changes in the way things get done. Note: To learn more about the analysis technique we teach in this session, check out the articles from our Apr-May-June, 2000 issue of RE-marks, using the "Archive" button above. |
Approach: |
Opening half is presentation and discussion involving the entire group. The second half is a hands-on workshop designed to allow the participants to actually use and learn the analysis technique. The workshop involves breaking the group into small teams of 2 or 3 people to work on the actual examples, and then they re-group to go over the results. Folders with all handout and workshop materials. |
Audience: |
This session is primarily for supervisors, managers, and executives but could be useful to anyone who should know how to look at something that went wrong and systematically assess the causes and possible corrections. |
Size Group: |
From 1 person up to 12. Could be done for larger groups but it becomes difficult during the workshop to give each team adequate attention as they work on the cases. |
Estimated Time: |
4 hours. (Could be done in 3 hours by curtailing the opening half and focusing on the workshop.) |
Setting/equipment: |
Conference style room setting. Large marker board or two flip charts. Overhead projector optional. |